
  1. FREE 15-Minute Private Consultation Thursday December 14, 2023 In Store 1PM-4PM

    FREE 15-Minute Private Consultation Thursday December 14, 2023 In Store 1PM-4PM
    If you have: Tired, aching legs Varicose veins or foot/leg swelling Arthritis Back, knee or ankle pain Incontinence Dry or thinning skin Our Essity consultant with be IN STORE to offer FREE 15-minute private consultations to answer all of your questions about all Essity products including Jobst compression stockings, Tena products, Actimove supports, BSN, Gypsona, Hypafix and Leukomed…& MORE!!! All...
  2. New Products!

    New Products!
    New Products! AIREX Pilates & Yoga Mats from $69.95 Co-Plus Elastic Bandages from $64.60/box Ethicon Sutures from $241.57 Figure-8 Ankle Support sizes S,M,L,XL $22.95 Intelligel Foot Care $10.95 Jobst EZ-ON Compression Stocking Donner $44.95 Strappal Strapping Tape from $59.03 Surgitube from $7.95 Terumo Needles from $29.95

2 Item(s)