Bed Buddy Hot & Cold Pack

Bed Buddy Hot & Cold Pack

Warmies Stuffed Elephant

Warmies Stuffed Elephant

TheraLite Aura Qi Radiance Lamp


Light Therapy is an all-natural, safe, and convenient way to improve your regulate sleep, and boost energy. The TheraLite Radiance lamp provides Dr. recommended 10,000 LUX from 10" and at a downward angle. The Winter Blues lamp comes packed with tech, including an alarm clock, wireless charging station, and a USB port. With a compact size, the Winter Blues lamp won't take up a lot of space, making it perfect for tight spaces at home and the office. If you find your energy or wellness decreasing during darker months, try our natural light lamp.

  • Provides the Dr. recommended 10,000 LUX. Sun lamps help by mimicking sunlight, which helps boost energy, improve overall wellness, and regulate sleep. Our light box therapy lamp offers the doctor recommended 10,000 LUX from a comfortable sitting distance.
  • Safely and effectively relieves ailments that occur during winter months. Sunlight is essential to our well-being, but we don't receive nearly enough during colder months. Winter Blues therapy lamps help relieve common ailments, including the winter blues, jet lag, insomnia, and work-shift adjustments. Use the light therapy lamp for 30 minutes each morning for the best results.
  • Doubles as an alarm clock, wireless charger, and USB charging port. The TheraLite Radiance Winter Blues light is feature heavy with a convenient alarm clock, wireless charging station, and USB port. It's the perfect addition to anyone's bedroom, allowing for easy light treatments in the morning.
  • Doubles as a desk lamp. The sun lamp for the winter blues features four light settings, making it perfect for Light Therapy and a desk lamp.