Salts SMST Mouldable Seals Thin 50mm Box/30

Salts SMST Mouldable Seals Thin 50mm Box/30

Salts SPH1 SecuPlast Hydro Strips Box/30

Salts SPH1 SecuPlast Hydro Strips Box/30

Salts SP60 Stoma Paste 60 gram Each

Leakage can often occur when the skin immediately around the stoma is uneven. These gaps prevent a perfect seal and may cause leaks that can eventually lead to sore skin. Stoma Paste has been specifically designed to be used as an effective filler where scar tissue or gaps are present around the stoma. The paste is easy to use and, once applied, can be spread into position, providing an ideal surface for appliances to adhere to. With a drying time of just 30 seconds, Stoma Paste is not messy to use and will not stick to fingers, unlike many other pastes available.
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